The short of it is I am an entertainer who wears many hats and wigs.
Singer/Pianist - pop, jazz, light rock
Comedic Actress
Social Media Content Producer
Voiceover Artist producing broadcast quality tracks from my studio
Live Event Host/Emcee as myself or in character
Motivational-Funny Speaker for business groups
The medium of it: (Conveniently sized if you need a copy and paste!)
Rosemary Watson is known for her celebrity and political impersonations (Fallon, Kimmel, Stern, The View), singing (The Queen Latifah Show), voice-overs (The Conners, Robert Smigel's, Let's Be Real), comedy writing and TV hosting (HGTV, Discovery.) Comedy legend, Carol Burnett, became a champion of Rosemary's work, touting her on Jay Leno and CBS This Morning! as one of her favorite comedians alongside Kristen Wiig, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. In 2013, Burnett requested Rosemary perform her impressions at The Kennedy Center for PBS’s Mark Twain Prize for Humor, Celebrating Carol Burnett. She was an SNL finalist in 2012. Today she has fun providing her fans with "entertainment for a weary world," on her various social media channels.
She is an accomplished singer/musician and performs with a big band, a George Harrison tribute band and her 17 year old son, Dexter in their recently formed duo, SUNSHINE. Her son was signed to Wilhelmina LA Men in Spring 2024 and Rosemary is excited to help manage his very bright future.
Her self-help workbook: Uncover Your Hidden Light is available on Amazon.com May 2024. In it, she offers readers wisdom from a lifetime of personal work overcoming her own struggle with stage-fright and "being seen."
She’d love to connect with you at www.rosemarwatson.com
I was born and raised in Northwest, Indiana. Official start date: March 20, 1966.
Northwest Indiana is like the Great Northwest, only nothing like it at all. It was there in the town of Highland (pop. 27,000) where I began talking out loud in various accents inside a box. Don't worry it was inside an appliance box so there was plenty of air and room to stretch out in. When my mom, Sharon, wasn't trying to soak up the great Midwestern sunrays she was giving music lessons (piano, organ, harp) to about 26,000 of the town's residents. A lot of people came through our house so I had plenty of voices to choose from to imitate. Plus I watched a lot of TV like every other person from my era because, well, shows were way better back then and the internet had not been invented. The Carol Burnett Show was my favorite, second to Phil Donahue.
Obviously, my penchant for mimicking voices only increased and somehow I turned talking out loud in a small space into a career; which is the perfect segue for me to start bragging about my voiceover career. Dang, I really should be a writer.
In 2018 I was honored with a nomination for OUTSTANDING BODY OF WORK, Best Voiceover, by the Society of Voice Arts & Sciences. These insider award shows are a little bit like a self-licking ice cream cone but hey, when you've been trapped in a booth for as long as I have, SPRINKLES TASTE DAMN GOOD!
Some voiceover clients include: ​The Tonight Show, Jimmy Kimmel, Letterman, Howard Stern, Robert Smigel's Let's Be Real and many web-series that you’ve never heard. Over the past 17 years, I've honed my craft churning out tracks for TV and radio, apps, educational software, toys, business videos. . . you name it! I even ended up on a cartoon panel at a COMIC-CON convention in 2022 with some cartoon voice legends for reasons still unclear to all of us. Strange things happen to me but the best weird thing was meeting my idol, Carol Burnett, after writing her a letter of desperation in 2012.
Now, if you want to see a real Earth angel, watch the clips (below) of Carol touting my work on “CBS, This Morning!” and “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.” After getting my letter, Carol called me on my cell phone. She then went on to tell the world about me on television. Possibly as a warning??? (No, that's me just joking. A lot of poeple don't get my jokes. Hopefully, you aren't one of them.) Carol, (who gets my jokes) spread the word about me as a way to "pay it forward." When she was just starting out at UCLA, a stranger who saw her work, leant her money to get to New York and part of the stipulation was to help others in the future.​
But wait, there's more. She also made a call to SNL and suggested they look me up. They did and in 2012 I was flown to NY three times. Twice to audition and once to have dinner with the head hot dog. I did not get cast. Obviously, if I had, my assistant Rachel would be typing this and not me. As such, I don't have an assistant Rachel and my fingers are killing me. But it doesn't matter, because what happened a year later was even cooler than getting a spot on SNL!
Carol Burnett, my childhood idol, told the producers of the Mark Twain Prize for Humor, that she wanted l'il ole me to perform at the show that was being put on in her honor. The event (2013) was taped at The Kennedy Center in Washington DC. Other presenters included Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Tony Bennett, Julie Andrews, Martin Short and Tim Conway. It has been a decade since that magical night where I got to perform in front of my childhood idol and I am STILL stunned it happened. She made other calls to help my career. She paid for me to go with her stylist to buy three new wigs as my early wigs were so shoddy. Now you see what I mean by EARTH ANGEL? I absolutely relish the few exchanges Carol and I continue to have to this day.
Speaking of singing with big-bands. . .see I told you I should have been a writer. Singing with a big band is one of my all-time favorite things to do. I hope you'll tell any big-band conductors you know that I am serious. I have had lots of experience singing.
As a jazz/pop singer I’ve appeared on The Queen Latifah Show (Carol) and have sung at beautiful places like The Bellagio and Paris Hotels in Las Vegas. My 2-year steady gig at a Four Seasons Hotel in Orange County is where I earned my "chops."
Have I bragged about my speaking engagements? It's true. I give a mean motivational talk and by mean, I mean funny.
I have also done about 2 million corporate events either performing my impressions, serving as a host or providing music.
​On-camera, I’ve appeared on big and small shows including: The View where I performed political impressions; and on HGTV and The Discovery Channel, back in the '90s, doing crafts. No doubt my work on HGTV helped me hone my Martha Stewart impression. Other celebrity impressions include: Alicia Keys, Reba, Jennifer Coolidge, Cher, Diane Sawyer, Jane Fonda, Barbara Walters, Rachel Maddow, Barbra Streisand, Liza Minelli, Kristen Chenoweth and Suze Orman.​
I have a BA in Psychology from UCLA and took a few courses towards my master in Ethics and Policy. I have a stellar family and manipulative dog. Hobbies include seeing where my son is driving on the app parents use, pulling weeds, yelling at my computer and giving a damn.
I have various social media accounts that I try to keep up with. TikTok didn't like me putting up a variety of video genres so they "shadow banned" my account with 150k followers. The dead account is RosemarysVoice. THE NEW ACCOUNT is ROSEMARYWATSONLAUGHS where I am putting out JUST impression videos. Hope you will track me down!